Labor Day
The Parish Office will be closed Monday, September 2, in observance of Labor Day. Regular office hours resume the following day. |
Kickoff Sunday: Rooted
Join us September 15 as we kickoff the fall with a new three-week series: Rooted. Each week we will look at a different topic: We will also have resources available on Evangelism, Family Discipleship and Devotions for each week. Join us as we kickoff this new season. For more infomation visit: http://stjohnsparishchurch.com/events/kickoff-sunday-rooted/2024-09-15 |
Healing Miracles of Jesus
The Prayer Team is offering a fall class on the Healing Miracles of Jesus. This class is from The International Order of St Luke, a Healing Prayer Ministry. Join us as we learn more about praying and how Jesus healed and look at 26 healing miracles described in the Bible. We will meet on Sundays at 9:00AM in the attrium of Haut Gap starting Sept 15 and finish by the end of the year. For more information, contact Stephen Haynsworth.
Girls Morning Out Bible Study Resumes
Tuesday, September 10 @ 9:30 AM Girls Morning Out Bible Study (GMOBS)
Introduction to the Old Testament
Tuesday Mornings
9:30 - 11:00 am
Contact: Lori Moore
Thursday Afternoon Bible Thumpers Resumes
The Thursday Morning Bible Thumpers will resume next Thursday, Sept. 5 at 2:00pm. They will be looking at "The Gospel of John", a study by Melissa Spoelstra. For more infomation visit: http://stjohnsparishchurch.com/news/thursday-afternoon-bible-thumpers-resumes |
Youth Group Students & Parents Meeting
Sept 8th @ 5pm All parents and students of 6th - 12th graders are invited to Rob’s house for an informational, fun, and lip smacking good time. We will discuss plans for the semester (including two retreats), play some fun family style games, and enjoy some dinner together. This is the kickoff not to miss! Youth Group will kick off the following week, Sept 15. For more infomation visit: http://stjohnsparishchurch.com/events/youth-group-students-and-parents-meeting/2024-09-08 |
Men's Group Starts New StudySeptember 12 - October 17 The Men's Group will be starting their next six week study on Colossians, Thursday, September 12. All interested men are welcome to join them at 7:30PM in the library at Resurrection Hall. For more information, contact Heath Gunther. For more infomation visit: |
New Community GroupSeptember 15 - October 27 Join this new Community Group Sundays after church for a Study on Colossians: Finding Fulfillment in Christ. They will meet 12:30PM - 2:00PM at the Moore's House from September 15 through October 27. For more information, contact Lori. For more infomation visit: |
First Communion Class12 Noon - September 29 at Resurrection Hall September 29, we are offering a First Communion class for children 7 years and older who have not yet taken a First Communion class. Lunch will be provided. It is requested that at least one parent attend with their child. For more infomation visit: https://stjohnsparishchurch.breezechms.com/form/FirstCommunion2024
Help Stock Teacher Rewards StoreItems due by the September 29th The Rewards Store not only gets 50 students excited and motivated, but it has been a great math lesson/shopping experience on the days it is open. Most popular items include:
Click here for PDF with full list of requested items.
For more infomation visit: http://stjohnsparishchurch.com/news/help-stock-teacher-rewards-store |
Lowcountry Pregnancy Center in Need of Diapers
The Lowcountry Pregnancy Center gives away thousands of diapers and wipes each week, and currently have an urgent need for wipes and diapers in size 6. They are also extremely low on diapers in sizes 3, 4 & 5. Even their diaper stock in sizes 1 & 2 is lower than usual. For more infomation visit: http://stjohnsparishchurch.com/news/lowcountry-pregnancy-center-in-need-of-diapers |
CMJ's Tour With Purpose
CMJ —the Church’s Ministry among Jewish People— is offering Tours with Purpose that provide mission opportunities to help the people of Israel while staying in CMJ guesthouses in Jerusalem, Jaffa/Tel Aviv and Galilee. Afterwards, an optional 4-day CMJ tour of Jerusalem is available, including lodging in the Guesthouse of Christ Church, the oldest Protestant Church in the Middle East, located in the historic Old City of Jerusalem. Tour with Purpose dates are: October 28 to November 7, 2024. For costs, daily itinerary, and travel information, contact Bill Anderson – Andersonwd3@gmail.com or 843-559-4775 (h). For more infomation visit:
Nursery & Preschool
Our young saints of St. John's are learning about offerings. All of the children's offerings are going to the Building fund. Beginning September 1st, we will have an additional Sunday school class. In order to be successful, we need your help. It's fun, easy and fulfilling. Agnes provides everything - the lesson and the supplies. Please consider volunteering. If you are a new volunteer or considering volunteering, click here to watch a short & informative video on Children’s Ministry. For more infomation visit: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084FAFAC2EA2FDC43-50585544-september#/
Drawing Near to God Bible Study
Get ready for the fall study of “Nehemiah”, by Joanne Ellison with “The Islands Group” . Starting Wednesday, September 11th at 10:00AM to 11:30AM, in Resurrection Hall, St. John’s Parish Church. If you’re looking for women to come alongside you as you walk through life’s complexities, register now. For more information contact Janet Jenkins. For more infomation visit: https://drawingneartogod.charityproud.org/EventRegistration/Index/19394
Save These Important Dates
September 16th: October 6th: October 11th - 13th: November 8th - 10th: December 8th: |
Ministry of the Week
Lay Eucharistic MinistersHoly Eucharist is an important sacrament in our lives as Christians. We believe Jesus is present during this service. We all want to be in the presence of our Lord, but life doesn't always allow us to take part in Holy Eucharist in a church setting. Because this is the case, Bishop Edgar and Father Jeremy authorized the Lay Eucharistic Ministers to take the Eucharist to those who are physically unable to attend a regular church service. |
The 15th Sunday after PentecostSunday, September 1 |
Guest Preacher Next Week: Ken Weldon
Mark your calendar for Sept 8 as we are joined by Ken Weldon as our guest preacher. He will be sharing stories from his work at Camp Jubilee. |
Altar Flowers August 25
The flowers were given to the glory of God ----- If you would like to dedicate Altar Flowers in 2024 in honor or remembrance of a loved one, please contact Sally at sdixon@stjohnsparish.net. |
A Prayer for our Parish
Dear Heavenly Father, Together we are united with the saints of the household of God; built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone. In Christ alone our church is being joined together, and is growing into a holy temple of the Lord by the Spirit. By Your wisdom may we discern what You want us to build; Through Jesus Christ our Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit, Amen. |