Global Missions Oyster Roast Fundraiser
This Saturday, March 2, 2024Join us for live music, chili, hot dogs, desserts, Christian fellowship and oysters. We will also provide sodas, water and juice boxes. What you need to bring:
Your generous donations fund Uganda Clergy Children's Scholarships. Click here for a PDF with more info about the scholarships. If you'd like to donate online ahead of time, click here. Directions:
For more infomation visit: http://stjohnsparishchurch.com/events/global-missions-oyster-roast-fundraiser/2024-03-02 |
Sweatshirt Building Fundraiser
Orders for sweatshirts with or without hoods are now being accepted. The front of the sweatshirt we will have printed "St John's Parish Church Johns Island, SC" with a Jerusalem Cross. The back will be blank. Forms will be available this Sunday in the Connection Corridor or click here. The deadline to order is this Sunday, March 3. For more information contact Mary LaRoche. For more infomation visit: |
Welcome Team Needs Hosts & Greeters
Our Welcome team is in need of people to serve as table hosts and greeters. We also need help breaking down the Connection Corridor after church each Sunday for about 15 minutes after the service. Please sign up using the link below or contact Kristina Lester. For more infomation visit: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E49ACA82DA1FFCE9-46872068-welcome/134884852#/
Sunday School: The Good of Giving Up
Join us during Lent as Chad Becks leads a series on The Good of Giving Up by Aaron Damiani. We will look at the history of Lent, the three historical practices of the season and how they apply to us today. Come join us: 9AM Sunday mornings in the Conference Room (down the hall where the children's Sunday school meets and on the right). For more infomation visit: http://stjohnsparishchurch.com/news/sunday-school-the-good-of-giving-up |
Holy Week at St John's Parish Church
Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunday
Radiance TeaTea & Testimony Last Saturday, eighty women --mothers and daughters, grandmothers and granddaughters, friends and family-- gathered to share tea and hear Jenny Fayette's story. Jenny shared how the love and safety found in Christian community enabled her to confess her struggle with sin and experience the cleansing healing of Jesus. If you would like to be a part of this kind of loving, Christ-centered community that reminds us of our true God-given identity, please consider our current Community Group offerings, or if you would like to be a part of a new group, please contact Lori. For more infomation visit: http://stjohnsparishchurch.com/events/radiance-tea/2024-02-24
The Third Sunday of LentSunday, March 3 This Week's ReadingsExodus 20:1–21 SermonFr. Jeremy Shelton
Ministry of the Week
Daughters of the Holy CrossThe Order of The Daughters of the Holy Cross is composed of women who have committed their lives to the work and service of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray daily for our church, it’s clergy, the Order and others in need. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we reach out to those who do not know Jesus and share His message of salvation through word and deed. We equip ourselves with the powerful sword of truth as contained in the Holy Bible. We wear our cross as a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice and our need for Him to be in our daily lives, and we become encouraged and strengthened in community with our sisters. We live a life of prayer, study, service and evangelism. For more infomation visit: https://www.stjohnsparishchurch.com/fellowship/daughters-of-the-holy-cross |
Altar Flowers February 25
The flowers were given to the glory of God. ----- If you would like to dedicate Altar Flowers in 2024 in honor or remembrance of a loved one, please contact Sally at sdixon@stjohnsparish.net. |
Nursery & Preschool
We need three adult volunteers to serve our nursery and preschool children each Sunday. Would you consider signing up to help a couple of Sundays so we can continue to pour into the next generation? For more infomation visit: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084FAFAC2EA2FDC43-46599216-nursery#/
A Prayer for our Parish
Dear Heavenly Father, Together we are united with the saints of the household of God; built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone. In Christ alone our church is being joined together, and is growing into a holy temple of the Lord by the Spirit. By Your wisdom may we discern what You want us to build; Through Jesus Christ our Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit, Amen. |